Vich Vichyastit
Phase 1.1
Pratana Klieopatinon
Heinz Galinski Schule - Zvi Hecker
( Jewish School, Berlin, 1995)
The Jewish School Berlin designed by a Polish born, Israeli Architect, Zvi Hecker. Well known for its emphasis on geometry and asymmetry. This building has strength in it's complex and extreme form with intersections collide the flow of each building. The building was influenced from a sunflower seed which the building is separated into
5 petals with a corridor (snake) intersecting through the building.
The Matrix consist of 9 plates. The first 2 rows are case studies on Zvi Heckers projects. Last row are styles of buildings concept related to the main concept of the first project.
The operation of the Jewish School is Form and Intersection.
Resulting Condition is Connectivity & Continuity.
Scaling down into the building; focusing on the different intersections in each floor, define form if the building and the courtyards created between each petal.
Revealing interior views of the intersections occur inside of the building in each floor. Focusing into details of the interior such as where light intersects inside.
Architect - Zvi Hecker
Examples of his well known architectures. The forms of each building is very unique and strong in geometry. His works are common in memoriality. The forms and shapes of the geometry is very symbolic and has meaning and function behind every form. Creating interior spaces for the program the building was meant to made for.
The last row reveals architectures that are similar in style and concept of the building which is form and intersection. Each building I've chose is related to one or the other concept. This shows in result that there is a reason behind the spaces the forms intersects and create.
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