

Friday, September 29, 2017

PLAY GIFTS & MANIPULATIVES : Pam Jidapa Srimachand

Design 3
Project 1, Phase 2


The design of the toy in this phase is decoded from the building in the former phase, which my assigned building is Seattle Central Library.
How the building was translated into a toy.
original image here.

The dominant properties of the building are the followings
  • The library is the "Library for all" that means it need to be able to serve everyone in the society.
    The library is not just the place for books and media, but also social gatherings.
  • The idea of compartmentalized flexibility. The programs of the building are put in to the boxes ( each floor). Each box is given a specific characteristic, they have the certainty of how they're going to be used while also having some space for the unpredictable similar uses that might derive.
  • The form of the building is based on 
    • the context of the city
    • how the boxes of programs (floors) are placed into their most suitable spots.
  • The continuity that leads users directly to where they're predicted to be the main attractions, not all the floors in the building.
  • The use of surfaces to clarify how to use the building.
    • The colours
    • The casual boundary

Basically, the toy is about placing/connecting the boxes with specific characters into their most suitable spot/alignment.


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Each box has different characteristics.
Original image here..

There're 4 colors, red, yellow, blue, and green, each one for each player.

Original image here.
Original Image here

Each color has 8 different boxes.
3 of the 6 sides are the joint side (in color)
the other 3 are plain and transparent.
(to clarify the use of the boxes and how to joint them)
4 of them has the color sides align in "C" shape
the other 4 has them share a single corner.

Original image here

There are 6 different types of (color) surface.

Original Image Here

Original Image here

Not all of them can connect together.
One type can connect to only 2 other types, not even itself.

The system translate the concept of compartmentalized flexibility.
How the surface joint is connected of the box can shift buy it won't leave the core of how it could connect.

How to play

Original Image here

The plain board
Also have the space inside to place the circuit and the battery.

At the beginning, the board is clear, nothing on top.

Original Image Here
Set up the tower in the middle to define the final point o the game.
The basic set up has the tower 2 boxes tall, but another box is provided in case the player wants the game to be more challenging.

Original Image Here
Start the game by placing a box on the starting point of their color.
(The magnet of the box needs to touch the magnet of the board so the circuit is not broken)
If playing with children, they can have 2 boxes connected at this stage as the advantage.

Original Image Here
The players take turns stacking their own boxes, blocking others and get to the final point to score.

Original Image Here
When a color reached the final point, the game ends, and the lights on the boxes will be on and emphasize the most direct continuity to the destination.
The person with the highest score is the winner, not necessary the player who make it to the top.

The rules of the game encourage interactions between players, not only care about getting to the final point just like what the library value.

Also, the game can be adapt to let everyone enjoy.

The color square on the board gives the sense of casual boundary, player feel comfortable on those with their own color.

 The rules

Original Image Here
For normal stacking, join the connectable sides together.

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Connect your box and block other colors with another connectable sides will earn you 150 points.

Be the one to place your box on the top of the tower and get 100 points.
The player need to make sure that he/she has the highest score then they can place the last box and win.

The mechanism

Original Image here
Original Image Here

In order to make to boxes light up when they reach the final spot on top of the tower, each box has its own lights and simple circuit inside.
The magnets on the surface are used as conductor and also help snapping the (right) boxes together.

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 Using the lights also reflect the technology advancement which is the characteristic of the city and the building.

Below are the pictures of the toy.

Original Image Here

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The basic set-up

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 While playing 

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 At the end of the game

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