

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Tanyaluck Kittithirapong Phase 3

Phase 3 : Fraternal twins
Tanyaluck Kittihtirapong
Nuno Sausa  

case study DNA :
Lycée Hotelier de Lille by Caruso St John

from previous phases'  building analysis, I have gathered many infomation of the building characteristics and DNA of the building and also tried researching on the style of the architect.

The  information will be the starting point of the Phase 3 which we have to design a fraternal twins building which means the new building should be able to express atmosphere and DNA of the case study , or could use the toy from phase 2 as an inspiration or a starting point of the new design.

The process of the design started with the concept and then the massing of the new building. In my case, my case study building is a school focusing on teaching chefs ,florists and hotel business. But as far as I have been researching the case study. I acknowledge that the teaching program of cooking and floral decorating are associated a lot with plants and vegetation. So as an Idea I decided to build a new phase of a school next to the old one as a "physical space for learning and producing plants" so what I want for my building to have is a space able to provide both knowledge and ingredients (or material) for the program of the case study and also allow students to use space to exhibit their work .

So moving on to the form
lycee hotelier de lille  - case study

 I start from the design of the whole building, based on the shape and form of a warehouse, by trying to create a massing.

This allow me to explore shapes and forms and to compose a composition relating to the program inside.

more massings

So after trying with compositions I have found a form for my building and develop it further.

this is the final shape of the building 

and here is the program on the inside

 perspective view of the green space
Link to full resolution 

For the style of the design and interior, after getting the outline shape from the massing, I want to express style and characteristic of the case study to the new project too.

So from there I tried preserving the use of structure and color which is an important element but extend from only using primary color to create pattern, I think that maybe it doesn't have to be ourselves to design pattern, I think the apart the green space which contain trees should be able to give a colorful atmosphere too. so the concept is we grow plants and flowers and let them grow to create a pattern.


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