

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Punnathorn Phuwichit // Project 1.3 Fraternal Twin

Saipan Punnathorn Phuwihit
Project 1.3
Pratana Klieopatinon

Fraternal Twin

Design production has, as one of its inevitable and crucial characteristics, 
the built-in principle of optioning (option and multiple solution production).

Any singular proposal is a scenario that emerges amongst a population of twinning storylines. 
These possibilities can be explored as mutations, expressed through different 
intensities of the fundamental genes of each solution system’s DNA.

Ultimately these options comprise a set; a set of sister and/or brother possibilities 
within such given frameworks as angle, distance, joint, 
program, site, material or institutionality.

Fraternal twins are the same but also different. It’s this concept of dissonance applied to studio multiples.
Fraternal Twins, So near and yet so far by Steff Yotka,  2011.

Define an institute’s alternative identity  (Alt-Institute) within the vocabulary, rules and
limits defined in previous phase work. Craft an argument around institutionality 
and pedagogy facilitated through architectural language.

According to my last phase of how the building is built in a courtyard of surrounding buildings 
and how my toy is based on connecting those building together with steps. 
My new project will be locating on a site with similarity to the case study. I chose 
Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Renovating the existing library.

This is the diagram showing how it is related to the case study and my toy. And how 
the program would be built and how it would be a better study place than the already existing one.

As you can see in my site plan the existing library is locating in the middle of the 
courtyard and is connecting to the two building beside.

For this first diagram I showed how it is surrounding by these building and how they are connected so first is to understand the space.

On this second diagram I compare the flexible activities that are happened in the program so 
similar to the Why Factory research center the interior allows mostly formal activity and the 
outside area is more flexible where you can eat, drink or even lying down there.    

Next before showing the comparison of the circulation I did a diagram showing the operating hour 
the two library (the top one) first because the circulation diagram (the bottom one) is basing on the operating hour.

 As you can see the existing building doesn’t really allow students to be working over hour
 but the renovated one will. The library itself is still open at a proper time so that it can 
be manage easier. Even though the library is closed there’s still a way you 
can pass through to get to the working space.

Next is the atmospheric representation of the space. First big one is the daily life representation 
which represent the everyday life habit of students. The picture below represented the 
special events that happened. In this picture I choose TomTomNight that used to celebrate the 
new coming of the freshman students. So as you can see the stairs can also be used as a bleacher. 
The small perspectives beside show the interior view of each floor and how the space be used. 
The last diagram on the left is the section that cut through each part 
of the building to show more of the interior space.

Lastly this is the same perspective view showing how those three building would fit in the same size.
Not only to show how it would fit but also showing the zygosity of each building
and how it change to be the final looks.

These are pictures of the renovate library model with the site included.

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