

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Design 3 phase 3 : Fraternal twin

Massing model and Zygosity


           From the case studied "Abedian school of architecture" I extract out some of the features to use as a logic to generate form for my massing, I use matrix grid to distribute the level of zygosity the result is 9 form with different level of concept containing in them the one that have lesser has low zygosity and the one that have more has high zygosity.

Conceptual and form diagram

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Massing model

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Medium zygosity as a subject for next development

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        After got a concept and brief form as a subject I developed further along with site analysis and location to insert the design of the building.And after that a plan and the model have been develop accordingly.

Form Sketch
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Site model and Massing 

Ground floor plan

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First floor plan

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         As the case studied is an architect school so in the new building I design it to be an temporary dormitory with facility to provide accommodation for the architecture student that have to deal with an assignment and group project so it's more convenient to stay late at night.

Second floor plan (Sleeping area)

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Explode Axonometry

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Atmospheric presentation

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Physical model of the building (Concrete, Wood and chipboard)

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