

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Saimai Thanjira Vimonanupong Project1.3: Fraternal twins


Fraternal twins 

Salk Institute for Biological studies

 Louis I. Kahn

In this last phase of semester 1, we are assigned to design a "twin" of the case study building that were given to us by our instructor at the beginning of the semester. The building i have recieved is Salk Institute for Biological studies designed by Louis I. Kahn. The monumental and timeless research center that situatued in a beautiful oceanfront of LA Jolla, San Diego not only that  the building were respected in the world of science but in art as well. The Salk institute were built in order to create a research center with an ideal environment for scientists to further develop their scientific research.

If we take a closer look into Salk, we will see the the 3 main ideas of Salk institute through the design of it. Here are the 3 ideas and how i choose to combine them in order to create the "twin" First, the idea of central space for people to collaborate and to connect the 2 symmetrical buildings together. The symmetry and the monumentalness resulted in an atmosphere of monumentality(temple,church like) and the dynamic shapes which are the result of a repettitive simple geometric form which also creates a dynamic space, giving the sense of light and movement. Second, the staggered section and the serve and servant space plays a big role in in organising the program of the building, allowing the lab to be unobstructed by any ducts and wires. The free plan method also allows walls to be anywhere and large spaces are adaptable through the change of time.Third is the window alignment which allows every study to have their own views towards the ocean. 
In my design, I have decided on designing a research center that are open to public. I combine 3 characteristic and adjust the level of zygosity in order to have the twin of Salk Institute. Istarted off with constructing a massing models of mass in different  zygosity of high medium and low. then combine them using the propability cases in order to get to see every cases possible . Using my designed toy, the mandala as a reference in creating these massing models along with other ideas. which are resulted in the cases below. I then combine together to create the first massing of the building at the bottom-right of the massing panel.

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program diagram and comparison chart


The design comes from the medium symmetry, high central space and high zygosity circultion system. The building are situated right in front of the Salk Institute, slightly below, closer to the ocean but are on the same alignment with the old buildings in order to achieve the same atmosphere, view and light. The building goes along with the site(which is a terrain) And are sligthly embedded into the cliff, as becoming a part of nature. The building has 2 symmetrical main buildings and 2 circulation towers. The 2 building are connected by a central space in the middle which were created by the stacking/overlapping geometric form and the use of large scale concrete plates.

The form are combined to create a dynamic space drawing eyes to the horizon. a person then have to walk down the central space (stairs) which were made to have more negative space so people can choose to walk or dwell in and enjoy the view. To access the building. Or using the elevator in the circulation tower is another option. It the buildings, the levels are staggered between working space where people dwell in and the service floors where all the ducts and wires were kept. Inside the building, the area without enclosure are a common working area which are large and spacious, an area where people work together, also there are areas where can be adapted to many changes, A private study and a common area indicating a heirachy in privacy. Looking at 2 of the section explains about how each floors are align and the service floor is placed. The section also show the path of the natural light which will shine through the pattern of facade creating an impression of light and dark areas. The lights are also dynamic as it change through the time of the day.  

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Section cut at the central, showing central area and the material of the facade of the building.

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section cut through the working spaces, showing light penetrating through facade creating a pattern.

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Looking at both plan and section, the area enclosed are designed to be a free-office space that can use partition or non-load bearing wall in order to make change to the alignment of the room. Also that all the duct and wires are kept in the floor underneath or upper makes resulted in an ever changing plan. The level of privacy are even more when the studies were situated in at each end of the building. In the room, the windows are unobstructed and are able to look out with full privacy.

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Perspective view of the studies.

The window in the study is adjustable for ventilation. The room alignment are created by how people react with natural light. The working table are on the window side, taking in the view. The lighter coloured concrete as the back wall helps distribute the light coming through the facade opening to fill the room easier. The resting area are the area where the room recieve the least natural light. There are 4 studies in the building acting as a private study chamber. The space next to the study are the public area where people can gather to have meeting or workshopss. The area occupied by the study create an absence of the natural light in the stairway and then light from the public hall gives a dark/light atmosphere.

Looking at the perspective of the building here will see that the material making the window are different in certain area of the building where the translucent glass were used to diffuse light coming in from  the top, only the mirror attach to the side of the building are clear, these are to bring people to the central space in order to  take the breathtaking view. The building are designed to be a research center despite the fact of the subject, this is to allow everybody to get to use the building and also trancends the boundary of knowledge.

Here are the picture of the first and the final model of the building

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First Building model

These are the pictures of the final section model.

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