

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Kittimont Kookasemkij | Fraternal Twins

Project 1.3 | Fratenal Twins

As a concept of organic architecture case study, john w. chorley elementary school provide many of small concept through the design of buidling both in term of design and in term of appearance. In last phase concepts were applied to the project due to two previous phases which is adapted in open ended toy and directly from case study.

Elevated floor from organic architecture was applied due to the same site ,design is the renovation of 'wings' classroom unit. To create subdivisioned space the elevated floor generated by landscape make the buiding's dynamic follow along, wings are not exactly the shape of the landscape but still use geomatric form and create the gap along teh composition of unit, that gap create the system that divide the space inside into many but as a classroom and the whole school was build to solve the problem of population density and number of teacher compare to student is not a proper scale, wings classroom were designd to allow teacher to organise the class up to 5 at a time. As a problem of population density the idea of insitute which fit to the solution to this problem 'continuous progress plan' let the student gain a proper education due to their skill and potential of learning which create the whole classroom become informal learning space. The system of unit design is from medium zygosity that take the slope and rotate 90 degrees to create the varietion of the space. As a form of classroom which teacher can organise up to 5 class at a time, most of  the furniture inside design to fit in the body of children along the age.

From desing of the building and elevated floor the classroom create more advance space, orientation of space from left to right, from loud to quiet space and make more variety even in subdivision space. The ceialing change the experience inside the room from case study and make as a whole single space.

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