

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Project 1.3 : Sitavee Veravit (Memee)

Project 1.1
Sitavee Veravit (Memee)
Payap Pakdeelao
"Fraternal twins"

This project focuses on the visual experience based on the site. The intention of this project is to provide the users the visual experience from varying contexts around the area, this included: The neiborhood, the forest, the sky, the residential hall, the dining hall and lastly the study case itself which is the Arcus center for Social Justice Leadership.

The reason for this is because looking back to the study case, it focuses on providing a tri-axal shape that is based on the 3 contexts (Neighborhood, forest and the campus) with windows to provide a view towards those contexts to symbolise "Unity" as it was made to raise an awareness of equality and everyone becoming as one.

This was then transferred into a gift that projects different kinds of shapes based on the filter used, the shapes projected will intersect each other on canvas when we move the projector around, suggesting the sense of unity coming out from shapes that were are different.

Making the "visual experince" the main focus for this project as a whole.

The Fraternal twin

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