

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Praew Proudwarin Phannachet Project1.3: Fraternal twins

Project 1.3

Fraternal twins
Emerson College LA for biological studies
Thom Mayne

In this phase (Phase3) I had studied about the biological twin building which means
to research or find the identity of the building and bring develop into our design but still
keep the identities design from the architecture  of the original building.

As I developed from my toy (the stacking of pieces of the facade), 
I bring the feature of the facade and put it into the extended building to show its DNA of Thom mayne's architecture design as a connection. Emerson College LA is like a drama academy. Moreover, programs in a new building are libraries, an exhibition hall, a cafe, workshop,
 co-working spaces and a courtyard. Every spaces have designed for specific activities 
which provide for the students to study more efficiently and develop other skills.
Providing spaces and equipment for students to make props, costumes and even backdrops
are necessary for a drama school because students could learn in other areas apart part from 
acting. Therefore creating an atmosphere to make a more productive and creative are the main 
concept of the new building.

The location of a new building is placed next to the original building to 
provide more spaces for activities that could happen in the original building.
This means the students do not need to travel to another studio that is not 
around this area and shorten their traveling time.

 The facade is shown as a connection between the original building and a new building 
obviously. The function of the facade is to help with the public area and private area.
Each pieces of the facade can be tilted in different angles to create a closed or opened area 
of the building. For example, the facade over the library zone will be tilted more than
the exhibition zone to create privacy. The facade also helps to control the lightenter
the building or even shaded on the building surface,this keeps the temperature inside the
building cooler.

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