

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Pakjira Itthisang, Project 1.3

Project 1.3

Fracternal Twins & Varient

Using the ideas from phase one and two to design the new institution by the information that analyse and research the case study building  in phase one, also the ideas from phase two.

According to the case study building in phase one which is “ Peter B. Lewis building” designed by Frank Gehry and the toy in the phase to which focused on the deformation building and surface which the main point to design the new institution in the building.

  This building institution is the shape and the space of the building. The space are divided in two type which are the conventional and unconventional space. The way to define the space started from the circulation of the building.( the layout of the rooms), while the hierarchy is the one point to focus how to design the layout of each floor. Moreover, the ideas of the the traditional space of the building

From the above picture, the ground floor is the unconventional area while the top floor is more conventional area. This start from the idea of the
public and private space in the building, so this give the point of the if we have the unconventional space at the ground for which people from outside and inside the school must pass this floor, while this floor is the smallest dimension, so it mean there are less room than other floor and the room must be for other people who want to contact the school or student who want to use the room when they not have class. Moreover, the other floor more space for the education. In the same way, this solution give the characteristic of the building  for people looking the school in different  from other management school.

As the plan showing the overlapping of the room space and the traditional  size of the facades size, so there are multiple of 
size while the they are located in the unconventional space.  For the facade, it start form floor slap to floor slap because the different view between inside and outside. Also if we look from outside, we can see the area inside clearly, therefore for inside to outside we can see expand view.

Lastly, the height of the for is six meters which is huge  because it make the atmosphere of the building are airy in the same way it make
students comfort.

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