

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Thunda Rerkpaisan : Project 1.1 Didactic DNA

Didactic DNA
project 1.1


Grafton Architects
Yvonne Farrell and Shelley Mc Namara

They are Irish architects whom are the founder of 
Grafton architects firm.

University of Technology and Engineering

It was called modern day Macchu Picchu
due to its similar form and also how the 
architect have made one side of it to be terraces
that represents the tradition of Peru itself.




In the frist plate of the project, what operation I have extracted 
from this institute is that the architects had performed 
and operation of ' Infilling ' think of the building as en empty
skeleton of concrete, and the way architect infilled these empty
spaces defines each room's dimensions and how it effects its



The result of how architects carefully place each volumes of solids 
resulted in the patterns of solids and voids happening in between
each floor to happen. In this place accessible voids seems to 
dominates the lower floors while the solids dominates the upper.


Connectivity appears to be not only how people connect socially but
visually and awareness. Moreover, it does not limited in only people
connectivity may appears in the form of spatial connectivity in this 
building for instant.



In this plate i decided to choose University of Lugi Bocconi
and Kingston University , London because both of them 
represents the idea of infilling in a way that resulting in
different part styles.

The way grafton architects infilled their buildings both 
resulting in having the more opened lower ground 
while left the upper ground with solids as the dominants.

The connectivity in the first building appears not to 
be between humans but more likely the connectivity
between two spaces. While the second building is the 
connectivity of the 3 cascading  open plate forms
for people to interact and communicates.



In my view these buildings represents the ideas 
above through infilling each levels with the idea
with certain pattern and decisions.

These diagram briefly explain the idea of letting the 
open space on the ground floor be the mean of 
bringing the public into the building.

Examples of spatial connectivity and visual connectivity 
that may or may not happen inside the interior of the

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