

Friday, September 8, 2017


Alejandro Aravena

Whole Building 

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Buildings are originated from rectangular solid and shaped by
the operation such as shifting or subtraction at particullar parts.

Finally it's become usable space, structure and boundary.

Part: Solid and Void

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Solid and void are the most tangible and understandable
way to understand space or rooms inside the building, especially
for gigantic, deep structure or innermost part that hidden.

Detail: Light condition

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"We want to use sunlight without heat" since it is an
eco-friendly methodology, free and never run out.
However, human can't extract light and heat... so they have to
create small light way, but provide a lot of brightness.

First Column
Selected building and architect provided by instructor
[ Innovation center by Alejandro Aravenena]

Second Column
Other work by the same architect as first column
also with the same operation, part and detail

Third Column
Any works by different architect, but has similar style,
concept, operation, usage and light condition.

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