

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Sasina Nakmontanakum - Phase 3


The third phase, 'fraternal twins reinterpretation and variants' is the phase that needs to analyze the case study to create the new architecture.  'Goetheanum' is the building that using a philosophy to be a message behind overall design; form, color, orientation, etc. 'Anthroposophy' is the philosophy that I took some characteristics that appears in the Goethanum to create my project in this phase. It also called as the spiritual science. It studies about nature, the universe, and the human mind. The Eurythmy dance is the one of the Anthroposophy performance that shows how human relate to cosmic by the movement that has messages behind each pose and the color of costume.

Design principles 
1) The form of the building must be organic - every single corner shouldn't be the same. If it needs to have a similar shape, the position of the element will be different. The case study was started from a sculpture model by Rudolf Steiner. So, the skin of the second Goetheanum look like the giant mountain that was craved, pushed or pulled.

2) Reduce whiteness with the environment's reflection - it has no 'white' in nature. The color of the case study comes from concrete. In the main auditorium which is the significant room in the building used colors stained glasses to make a cosmic atmosphere in the room. 

3) Building's orientation and topography - the Goethenaum is located at the Dornach hill. The topography map shows that the building stands at the center of the highest point in that area. It depicts the idea of orbit, the other buildings move around the Goetheanum. It resembles the solar system. The Goetheanum is the sun. The center of Anthroposophy. 

Location - Valendas, Switzerland (46.792730, 9.281485)
As the Goetheanum locates on the center of Dornach hill. I locate my site at the hill near Valendas village. The site is stunning by itself.  At the North face the mountains scenery with the Voderrhein river in between. The South is the Valendas village. The East is the forest. The West is villages. The nearest train station is Valendas-Sagogn. 

Note:  From Zurich to Sogogn by train (1 hour 43 minutes) > 2.2 kilometer from Sagogn Station (30 minutes) > Valendas to Vorderrhein grand canyon by train ( 20 minutes)

These massing is the experiments of form and program that relate to the site. It has various programs in each design;lobby, restuarant + kitchen, accomodation, auditorium, sky observation, meditations etc. The programs depend on each space in each directions. For example - the first floor should be lobby, restuarant and kitchen because it is open space for every people to use while the other floors are designed for people who stayed at the Anthroposophy Resort which is more private. 

Anthroposophy Resort
The shape and form of the resort is inspired from the surrounding mountain and Goetheanum. It is the other mountain that have space in site. It gradually change its size and rotation in every 16 centimeters. That make this building has different view in every angles or section which response to the movement of the philosophy.

 Mater Plan

 Plans of each floor

 Axonometric diagram show the program and circulation


Each spaces have different slope of ceiling and floor as it shows in section. The smaller sections demonstate how space change in a different cut.

1) The yellow part - the space that connects all spaces together with stairs.
2) The lowest part - the open space where lobby and restuarant located.
3) The pink part  - the accomodation zone which require more privacy. So, in this space will have ten separated rooms and the common space at center. The windows in this floor are smaller than the other floor because it will encorage people to join activities in the resort.
4) The purple part - the auditorium room for audience. It volume in this space help people to concentrate at the stage
5) The plum part - the stage has a secret pathway from the stair for actors to prepare before go to the stage.
6) Roof - the sky obsercation on the roof is directly connect from the yellow part. People can climb on the roof. Sit and lay their body to recieve the aesthetic of nature.

Auditorium Perspective

Building Perpective show the Northern part

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