

Sunday, October 8, 2017

(BEAR) Project 1.2: Play gifts and manipulatives

Project 1.2
Play Gifts & Manipulatives
Sahasrungsri Wajchathon
Instructor : Yarinda Bunnag

The Game "Own the Block", is all about construction, and strategy.
There is a win to the game, where you claim the completed construction, 
and essentially win the points.
The idea of the game comprises concepts brought form
the case study of the previous phase.
The form of intersection of blocks from the building, is pre-designed and made
permanent through construction. This is translated and made
possible as an active construction constant with alternating compositions
in the design of the objects, in requirement of the game
being played multiple times.

The solid aesthetics of the game inherit the visual value of the building
being constructed in the style of 'Brutal-ism', and therefore the design of the 
typology is kept in simple geometry.
The Typology of the play pieces consists of only one part;
pieces which are used to build the tower.
Generated from the start with a single cuboid, the pieces are varied
with a system that relates to 'Tetris' blocks.

 Pieces have varying complexity, and the more complex the piece is,
the harder it is to fit to the construction.

Starting from nothing, players take turns to pick a piece from the pile,
and place it in the construction fitting to the other pieces with a rule that
keeps the pieces in contact with each other.

As the tower grows, the points multiply corresponding to the increase
in size of the tower in the dimension of the cuboid (length x width x height)

The tower ends with one player placing a piece that
completes a cuboid tower with no gaps. The player claims the points
that the tower generates, however the game does not end there.
If there are pieces left, or that there is a small piece protruding out the top,
a second block starts and the cycle repeats onward until pieces run out,
or players decide to end. The horizontal dimension of the deck 
of the first tower (length and width = base) determines 
a base which is a limit boundary of construction for the following tower.

Full resolution image

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