

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Onjira Mahitthafongkul : Play Giftd and Manipulatives




From my case study of the last phase which is the cooper union, 

I took out two main key concepts from the building which are "Void and Visual Connection". 

Then, I developed into the toy called "Constructing the Invisible Void "



Constructing the Invisible Void is a set of 3 legs module wooden shape that easily form into a cube. Each set contains
4 big module and 4 small modules inside. The purpose of the toy is to let imagination creates the void
within the shape. One module is not a complete void yet unless it is connected with one another.
The toy encourages balancing block skill and problem solving, which can be play both individual or team 


How to play step by step

Step 1: Take any pieces and try to connect to create a void. Only one piece of module is not a void yet.

Step 2: By adding and connecting more modules, more voids are created

Step 3: The void shape can be change according to the way of the construction

Step 4: When constructing many levels, a vertical void can be formed

Step5: At the end there will be many connected void inside

Different permutation can be created, which depends on how the player construct



 Here are some model sample if the toy and how it's played



Link to more photos


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