

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Let's Leg: Encoded from Zollverein School of Management and Art.

During the project 1, the development throughout study case had been developed into connective aspect and concept of prototype or its DNA.

In phase 2, the study case was developed into play gifts and manipulatives which engage with the restraints from the prototype and must be open-ended.

My study case was Zollverein School of Management and Design, Essen, Germany, designed by SANAA. The prototype has a strong aspect of continuity, either in horizontal or vertical directions. I had encoded the usability of vertical continuity as the toy I designed was plates that have to be placed over each other on provided shelf. Each plates have a connection between plate by voids in different directions and sizes. The void that had been cut in different sizes and positions also mimic the roof of Zollverein School as it has these elements at Solarium, the topmost part of building, allows light and air from exterior in to the building straight to each voids down from top to bottom of 2-3 floors.


Study Model


Final Model: Manual


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The elements that are all given in 'Let's Leg' are 8 plates with different positions and sizes of voids, 4 legs that use for stabilize the structure, and shelf that use for putting the plates on. The step to play this toy is that, first, player has to put the plates on the shelf as much as he wants. The more plates he put on the more difficulties gained. After putting plates on the shelf, Leg sticks is the next element that is used to go through all plates that has been put on and interlock each plates together. When he ensure that stability is established, bring the plates out of the shelf carefully. If the plates stand strongly with stick legs connected,  it is a succession. But, if the toy is collapsed down, it is fail.


Final Model: Physical
Packaging of Toy


Results Success or Fail

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