The centre of activity in Utrecht university, Netherlands
The significant point of this building is two planes which is U and S shape that fold
and interlock to connect the floor, wall and celling together in the same motion.
There are five main programs in this building which is Bicycle parking,
Urban plaza entry, Cafeteria, Auditorium and Examination room.
Whole - The hallway that continue to connects people together by vertical and horizontal ways.
To exemplify this, The clear glass floor helps students vitalise and gather between floor.
Part - The unique mixing area located below the top of facade which forces students to
meet each others between two lecture halls and others people around the building.
Detail - The interlocking section which connects people from four spaces together
the left diagram illustrates the view from the middle of the building
and the right diagram shows the view from the end of the building.
Whole : Milstein hall - Connected hallway
CCTV - Private versus public space from small space on the bottom to the bigger space on top.
Part : The unique mixing space which open circulation and force people to connect
by four direction same as the Casa da musica that has massive stair
connect by three direction but more in vertical ways.
Detail : Interlocking section which is connecting two floors together.
as same as the house in Bordeaux which connect three floors together.
Whole : Eight house - The hallway that connected to make big public space.
Elisinore - connected four plane together to create a middle mixing on clear space.
Part : Azalea - Non-enclosed small house creates the mixing area by four directions.
The mixing clear space perspective view at the middle.
Detail : Villa Vpro interlocking S shaped with the void on the middle that is connect
three floors together and the continue open vertical circulation from first to fifth floor.
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